The Legends

This site is designed to document the 1969 Bertram offshore race boat White Tornado… Its history, “find”, restoration and the people who brought her back to life.

In 1969 Vincenzo Balestrieri and Francesco Cosentino formed the Tornado Racing Team. Their contribution to offshore racing transformed the sport. These legendary World Champions are profiled here – enjoy the read

Vincenzo Balestrieri



Vincenzo Balestrieri Jr Talks About Growing Up with His Father the Offshore Powerboat World Champion – ENGLISH

Duration 9 minutes

Vincenzo Balestrieri Jr Talks About Growing Up with His Father the Offshore Powerboat World Champion – ITALIAN

Duration 1 minute 30 seconds

Francesco Cosentino


Marco Credits

Marco Bertini Offshore Powerboat Historian

Email: [email protected]

Cell: +39 347 934 6083