This 31′ Bertram race boat was saved by Cadillac McDaniel In 2011. He was towing a boat in Boynton Beach and saw the unique profile of this historic boat through a canopy of trees and bushes. He had seen the boat, years before, derelict in a side yard of a house in Miami.
Later Cadillac returned by car and found the lot where the boat was sitting. After over a year of negotiation he was able to buy the boat. He dragged the boat out of the bushes and brought it to his “Field of Dreams” where he gave her a good scrubbing. Shortly after, his friend, raceboat and Yacht designer Michael Peters came by for a casual visit. Michael saw the Bertram and bought it on the spot.
Michael took the boat home. He marveled at the heavy weight of this old race boat…towing like a boat twice her size. Upon further inspection he found 2 feet of water below a “false floor”. The bulkheads and stringers were completely rotted. Michael immediately set to work ( nights and weekends) replacing the rotted stringers and transom. Presented with the opportunity to restore a smaller more manageable 20′ Bertram, Michael sold the boat to its present owner.